best digital marketing strategist in kannur


My name is Pramal Prakash, and I’m  a freelance digital marketing expert in Kannur, Kerala. After my studies, I enrolled in the Digital Marketing Course at Kerala Digital Academy to begin my career as a digital marketing strategist in Kannur.  I helped my clients grow their businesses. My skills in digital marketing include marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, content creation, and web design.


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About Digital Marketing


Digital marketing includes all marketing on the internet. It’s essential nowadays. These include online platforms such as search engines, emails, websites, and social media that can be used to communicate with current and potential clients. Digital marketing with the proper audience connection at the right time and place is always effective. We can market anywhere in the world and your business can be developed as a brand through digital marketing. Consumers spend a lot of time on screens today, so the best place to reach them is the Internet. Companies around the world are taking advantage of this fact. 


Freelance digital marketing experts or strategists assist businesses. A digital marketer is the creative force behind a company’s online advertising efforts. Digital marketers’ duties include performing market research, page optimization, data analysis, strategizing with other marketing competitors, and creating content. Marketing plays an important role in the growth of a business. Nowadays, digital marketing is more effective than traditional marketing, so every business should have a digital marketing executive.


Global reach

Increased Engagement
Lower Cost
Trackable and measurable results
Brand Development 
Effective Targeting




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“I’ve known Pramal Prakash for years, and their passion for design has always impressed me. Watching them turn their creative ideas into beautiful, professional designs has been inspiring. If you need someone who’s both talented and reliable, pramal prakash is the person to go to.”

“I’ve known Pramal Prakash for years, and their passion for design has always impressed me. Watching them turn their creative ideas into beautiful, professional designs has been inspiring. If you need someone who’s both talented and reliable, pramal prakash is the person to go to.”

Sharan Shaj

Graphic Designer

It’s gratifying to see Pramal Prakash apply the skills and knowledge gained from the course to achieve such notable results. I am confident that they will continue to excel in their digital marketing careers and make significant contributions to the field.

It’s gratifying to see Pramal Prakash apply the skills and knowledge gained from the course to achieve such notable results. I am confident that they will continue to excel in their digital marketing careers and make significant contributions to the field.

Mubashir Hasan

Digial Marketing Tutor

Their positive attitude, strong communication skills, and collaborative spirit make them an invaluable team member. They approach every challenge with enthusiasm and a problem-solving mindset, which greatly contribute to the success of any project.

Their positive attitude, strong communication skills, and collaborative spirit make them an invaluable team member. They approach every challenge with enthusiasm and a problem-solving mindset, which greatly contribute to the success of any project.

Hiba Ashraf

Digital Marketing Specialist

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Good Work
Good Experience

Good Work
Good Experience

Adithyan KS

Graphic Designer

Working with Pramal Prakash feels like working with a friend-full of shared insights and a mutual drive for success.

Working with Pramal Prakash feels like working with a friend-full of shared insights and a mutual drive for success.

Bleming Varghese





Marketing Manager

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